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Thursday 4 June 2020

What you need to know about George Floyd's Minneapolis memorial service

A memorial service for George Floyd held in Minneapolis has ended. The family, their attorney and Rev. Al Sharpton all spoke at the event.
Here's some of what the speakers said during the service:
Rev. Al Sharpton
During a powerful eulogy, Sharpton said that for more than 400 years, black people have been marginalized because America "kept your knee on our neck."
"The reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed of being is you kept your knee on our neck," Sharpton said. "What happened to Floyd happens every day in this country, in education, in health services, and in every area of American life. It is time for us to stand up in George's name and say get your knee of our necks."
Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump
Crump said: "We don’t want two justice systems in America. One for black and one for white."
The attorney for the family said it was not the corona virus pandemic that killed Floyd.
"It was not the coronavirus pandemic that killed George Floyd. I want to make it clear on the record. The other pandemic that we're far too familiar with in America, the pandemic of racism and discrimination that killed George Floyd."
Rodney Floyd
Floyd's younger brother said George taught him "how to be a man because he was in the world already before us."
Shareeduh Tate
George Floyd's cousin Shareeduh Tate, who grew up with him, said that while their families didn't have much, "we always had each other."
George Floyd's family speak during a memorial service for Floyd in Minneapolis, on June 4
George Floyd's family speak during a memorial service for Floyd in Minneapolis, on June 4 Pierre Michel Jean
  Philonise Floyd
Floyd's brother Philonise Floyd said his brother had “touched many hearts” and that the audience in the memorial was a testament of that. "Everybody wants justice, we want justice for George. He's going to get it. He's going to get it," he said.
Scott Hagan
Hagan, president of North Central University in Minneapolis, announced at the beginning of the memorial that the school had created the George Floyd memorial scholarship. Hagan called on "every university president in the United States of America to establish your own George Floyd memorial scholarship fund.

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