Genevieve Blog

Nigerian Hottest Celebrity news & Music Download Blog

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Popular Nollywood Director, Ugezu J. Ugezu running for president in 2019

They may not actually be your inferiors, but people who do not have the will to turn things around. People without functioning conscience, people that will be shamelessly repeating the same old approach and expect to get different results, people that continuously deceive themselves that we are working when we are facing glaring retrogression, people that unpatriotically kill fellow compatriots as they labour to please strangers, people that use the wealth of the nation to enrich themselves, family and friends, people that wedge war against proper change for they are in love with the stagnation we face as a nation ... Etcetera Etcetera.

Ugezu J. Ugezu as President, we shall boldly set in motion, the modalities that will kick start the engine of this country and we shall see Nigeria running and progressively working.
We shall first create a computerized database to know who is who and who we are. Then we must generate Social Security Numbers for All citizens that will help us make realistic plans. Then we must trigger the first real time economic boom by linking Nigeria to Credit Economies of the world.
We are living in the stone age by running a system where citizens must pay cash before they can have anything. A lot of things are in regrettable shambles in Nigeria. Our leaders know all these and they lack the will to pursue the required change.

Support Young Democratic Party, (YDP), support Ugezu J. Ugezu for President in 2019 and together, we shall salvage this country. Listen brethren, we can turn things around in Nigeria. We can still get that functioning country of our dreams.

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